-Omar's Page -
For all of you Longmire fans, here are some fun facts about Omar Rhoades.
Omar is such a unique character, one may wonder where the inspiration for such a character came from. Well, the author of Longmire, Craig Johnson, became friends with a local taxidermist, and outfitter Richard Rhoades.
Richard is an avid hunter, which had brought him to Wyoming at the age of 17. From there he had opened Taxidermy studio in 1980, and also began outfitting hunters from the mountains to the open prairies.
His personal hunts have taken him to Europe, Africa, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, and several US states.In his spare time, he was an avid gardener, growing many herbs, peppers, tomatoes, along with many other varieties of vegetables.With his cooking skills, and homegrown produce, and after much trial and error, the recipe that became
Omar's RED PONY SALSA, was born.
He served it to family, friends, hunters, and many others, which soon it became a local favorite.
Then about 20 years ago...Craig Johnson was given a jar, and he fell in love with it. Craig had encouraged Richard for years to produce it commercially, so that everyone nationwide could enjoy it.
So finally in 2015, Richard decided to produce the salsa on a commercial scale.
From the start the salsa was drained of excess liquid, to maintain the thickness, but the juice was just too darn good to throw away. Therefore, RED PONY BLOODY MARY MIX was created.
So at this point, Richard had everything nailed down for the salsa and mix, but still needed a name and logo.
So, one night, after much debate, and many Rainier and scotches, Craig's beautiful wife Judy, suggested he use the RED PONY name.
With it's debut at the 2016 LONGMIRE DAYS in Buffalo, WY, the response has been overwhelming, and from there, the rest is history!
Find the link below to check out more LONGMIRE merchandise on Craig Johnson's website.

Richard & Craig
in Belize